I’m Kanitha Matoury.

You may know me from the former Spice Monkey Restaurant, and now the Howden Market in Downtown Oakland.

Like you, I want to love where I live.

Why I’m Running

I am running for the At Large seat on the Oakland City Council because Oakland needs bold, new leadership to restore public safety and revitalize the local economy.

As a mother, a long-time resident, and business owner in Oakland, I am increasingly disappointed by the significant shortfall of essential services and overall support from our city. I’ve experienced the same repeated burglaries and catastrophic property damage as with so many others.

I have met with numerous neighbors, business owners, and community leaders and their overwhelming message is... we’ve all had enough!

I hold progressive values and offer practical, common sense solutions to Oakland's pressing issues.

If you’ve had it with the way things are and want measurable change and accountability - we need you. Volunteer, donate, host an event or simply add your email so we can stay in touch. Join our "Love Where You Live" movement and together we will get Oakland back on track and restore the promise of a future that we all can look forward to.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Click the tabs below to learn more!

  • The Council Member At-Large serves as one of eight members of the Oakland City Council and is elected by all Oakland voters.

    The well being of all residents and improvement of the entire city is the core responsibility of the Council Member At-Large. Effective Council Members At Large collaborate and work as a team with the seven district Council members.

    Together, the City Council sets goals for the City, approves the budget, adopts ordinances and appoints members to boards and commissions.

  • Kanitha is a resident who has served the Oakland community as a small business owner for over 17 years. At its height, the Spice Monkey Restaurant employed 40 persons. The pandemic forced its closure. Her other business, Howden Market, remains open.

    Kanitha is a doer, not a complainer. When she has faced obstacles in her life that appeared insurmountable, she applied herself, focused on finding solutions and overcome the obstacles.

    These qualities, combined with Kanitha's honesty, passion for bringing people together and accurate understanding of Oakland's challenges, will serve the community well as our next At-Large City Council member.

  • Kanitha's "Love Where You Live" citywide initiative championsthe expansion of community gardening programs and the organization of neighborhood cleanup drives, actively involving our youth in similar endeavors. Furthermore, she aims to prioritize increased investment in arts and cultural programs. The intention of the program is to foster a sense of unity, positivity, connection, and interaction among Oakland community members.

    When you love something, you nurture it, protect it, and stand by it, as well as by each other. This should be our motto for all time!

Your contribution matters greatly!

No amount is too small (donations of up to $600 per individual). Your voice and your donations are essential to spreading Kanitha's message: safety and prosperity for all in Oakland.

Let's work together to bring back our city's heartbeat!